Workspace ID: Given by the system automatically.

Workspace Logo: You can upload logo of your company in jpg, gif formats.

Slogan: Helps to distinguish your Workspace from others with similar names.

Description: Message that you want users, who select your Workspace in Search Workspace results, to see.

Workspace Announcement:  Announcement that you want your Workspaces users to see.

Currency: Base currency for Product Basket module.

Don't let new users to join this Workspace: Select this check box if you want to pvent other kripton users from sending requests to join your Workspace.

Visible only to users of this Workspace: Select if you do not want name of your Workspace to be listed in Search Workspace results.

Customize outgoing email account of this Workspace: You can use your own e-mail account instead of default address ([email protected]) for sending system messages.